Let’s Work Together

About me

For the last 5 years, I've deeply enjoyed the world of marketing, strategic thinking, and human-centered design. After studying the psychology of business, I've explored a wide range of human-centric projects, from leading workshops to rebranding international organizations to designing and managing an exhibit at a world-class art museum.

If you know me, you also know I live on the adventurous side—I've led bike tours for high schoolers in 11 countries (spanning 2 continents and over 2,000 miles, but who's counting?), and I helped start a band, having recently sold out a local venue. I also love to write, and occasionally post some thoughts on my Medium page.

I smile a lot, and I love great coffee.

Whether you’d like to talk about project opportunities, dive into the intricacies of human behavior in the workplace, or simply reach out to say hello, I’d genuinely love to hear from you.

You can also reach me at donovan.fiore123@gmail.com or at 480-686-0794.

Want to learn more?